Sunday 9 August 2015

Knowing Python Part 3

Reading CSV files

The data for this part can be download from .
Lets start working on this csv file.

Lets import and open this csv file in python.

Now lets fetch the airport names for some explicitly defined countries.Lets take the example of Australia.

Explanation of the above code:
1.) First create an empty dictionary Airport.
2.) Then each row is exported into an array line[].
3.) Now in the if statement we check the third column (containing country name) and the first column      (airport name).If the dictionary has country name as key in it we would append the value to it, else      create a new key as a new country.
4.) At last print the values assigned to the dictionary key="Australia" to see the names of the airport        in Australia.

Airline Route Histogram

Now lets plot a histogram showing the distribution of distances over each flight schedule.
To do so we need to follow the below mentioned steps:

1.) Read the airport file and build a dictionary mapping unique ID of airport to the latitude and        longitude which will help in looking up the location of each airport by its ID.

2.) Read the routes files and get the IDs of the source and destination airports. Using the                latitude and longitude, calculate the length of the route and append it to a list of all route            lengths.

Now in order to measure the distance we need a new module called "geo_distance"


The Final Code
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
latitudes = {}
longitudes = {}
f = open("airports.dat")
for row in csv.reader(f):
    airport_id = row[0]
    latitudes[airport_id] = float(row[6])
    longitudes[airport_id] = float(row[7])
distances = []
f = open("routes.dat")
for row in csv.reader(f):
    source_airport = row[3]
    dest_airport = row[5]
    if source_airport in latitudes and dest_airport in latitudes:
        source_lat = latitudes[source_airport]
        source_long = longitudes[source_airport]
        dest_lat = latitudes[dest_airport]
        dest_long = longitudes[dest_airport]
plt.hist(distances, 100, facecolor='r')
plt.xlabel("Distance (km)")
plt.ylabel("Number of flights")

We need to read the airport file (airports.dat) and build a dictionary mapping the unique airport ID to the geographical coordinates (latitude & longitude.)
We need to read the routes file (routes.dat) and get the IDs of the source and destination airports. And then look up for the latitude and longitude based on the ID . Finally, using these coordinates, calculate the length of the route and append it to a list distances = []of all route lengths.
At last a histogram is plotted based on the route lengths, to show the distribution of different flight distances.
Output :

Knowing Python Part 2

Visualisation in Python

Lets continue from where we left lets create a few charts and graphs based on the results we got from our Voting Count section.

An important library called matplotlib is used in python to create graphical charts.We will take the example from the previous blog and generate bar graph to display the vote counts.Lets first load the data in the console.
Remember : We need to add an extra line to our code if using python instead of ipython.

Lets start creating a bar graph

Lets go line by line and understand the above code.
1.) First we import the modules numpy and pyplot.
2.) Then we have split the dictionary into two (i)Names (ii) Votes.
3.) We create a range of indexes for the x values in the graph,one entry for each item in the counts             dictionary numbered 1,2,3 and so on, this will help in spreading the bar graphs evenly across the         x-axis.
4.) - it creates a bar graph,using x values as the x-axis and the values in the votes array as the      height of each bar.
5.) plt.xticks(x+0.5,names,rotation=90) - This gives labels to the x-axis.


Knowing Python Part 1

Vote Counting Problem

Let us try and understand how python is used in extracting and presenting useful information from a pile of data. We have a dataset called radishsurvey.txt.

The problem statement: Try to figure out :

1.) Whats the most popular radish variety?
2.) Whats the least popular one?
3.) Has anybody voted twice?

We have a survey in txt format which has 300 rows of data. Below is the screenshot for the file. Save this file in the default directory.

Analyses on data

Reading the data:

In the above code we will strip out line by line and split the code into two variables
(i) Name and (ii) Vote and print these two variables.
Note: The strip function is used to strip off the trailing new line ("\n").

Through this code we have made two arrays name[] and vote[] and added the values of the respective variables.

Output for the above code would be:

Lets check for duplication:

From the output it could be inferred that there are a few duplicate values.

So lets clean this dirty data.
1.) Lets create an empty array named voted.
2.) Lets go through each line and take out the names of the voters.
3.) By using capitalize() lets convert the names in capital letters and by using replace() get rid of the        extra empty spaces found between firstname and surname.

By running this code the frauds could be found out.

To make the lines of code shorter we will make use of some user defined functions.

So this is our result.
